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Our Sponsors

Ideal Group Logo
Ideal Group

is a manufacturing company based in Southwest Detroit that
focuses on its surrounding community. They strive to innovate and create to keep our customers happy, which will help Ideal grow and thrive even more moving forward.

General Motors

is a leading Detroit-based international corporation specializing in automotive technology, design, and manufacturing.
Their community outreach is embedded in support of STEM education by sponsoring local FIRST robotics programs within the Metro Detroit community.

General Motors Logo
DTE Engery Logo
DTE Energy

is a Detroit-based diversified energy company involved in developing and
managing energy-related businesses and services. Their community outreach is embedded in support of STEM
education by sponsoring local FIRST robotics programs within the Metro Detroit community.


recognizes that robotics programs are an excellent way for children as early as
kindergarten to experience science, technology, engineering, and math in action. Students want to know how things work, and they want to find new solutions to existing problems. Ford is working with FIRST to support its mission to bring this opportunity to K-12 students.

Ford Motor Company Logo
Wallbridge Logo

is a full-service construction company headquartered in Detroit and has
built big and small projects in locations ranging from Midland, Michigan, to Chennai, India. Their commitment
to community outreach extends to supporting FIRST robotics to connect to future STEM workforce members.

Laborers Local 1079

exists to give its members a voice in the workplace and the larger community. Our goals are to protect and improve the wages, benefits, and standard of living of our members and their families, to ensure a safe and healthy workplace, to affirm the dignity and value of our members and the work they perform, and to create a more just and secure workplace and society.

Laborers Local 1079 Logo
Kettering GMI Alumni
Kettering GMI Logo

unites and furthers the interests of alums by
fostering and assisting in the realization of the ideals of the university to stimulate and encourage loyalty towards the institution, providing financial assistance for educational programs, serving as a sounding board for university leadership, and by supporting appropriate university-sponsored alum activities.

Michigan Department of Education

provides competitive grants to districts that offer pupils in grades 7-12 expanded opportunities to improve mathematics, science, and technology skills by participating in events hosted by a science and technology development a program known as FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics.

Michigan DoE Logo
Comcast Logo

has supported FIRST for many years through sponsorship and mentorship of teams across the United States.

Detroit Cristo Rey

is a private, Catholic high school that provides excellent college-preparatory Catholic high school education in the Cristo Rey Model of “The School That Works” to students from economically disadvantaged families in Detroit. They provide meeting space and academic support.

Detroit Cristo Rey Logo
Eaton Logo
Eaton Corporation

Eaton's SF history of donating to FIRST Robotics teams has been strong. Over the last 10 years, Eaton has sponsored 1-3 FRC Teams annually for a total of $15,000 in donations. 

Gene Haas Logo
Gene Haas

Gene Haas supports the local community's needs through grants to local charities such as the Boys and Girls Clubs, Food Share, Rescue Mission, and others. Seeing a growing need for skilled manufacturing employees industry-wide, the Foundation expanded its mission to include support for manufacturing training programs throughout North America and beyond. 

Toyota Logo

Toyota is committed to improving student’s education by supporting programs that not only offer training and technology but include a mentoring component as well

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